Monday, October 16, 2017


Good afternoon humans. (Morning if you live in Utah)

Well it's been a crazy week here in our neck of the woods!! But it's
been awesome. Monday and Tuesday, I took a road trip down to
Fuengirola to pick up my residency card! Since they just got new cars
in the mission, we drove down in the old cars and back on Tuesday in
the new cars. While I'm Malaga we ate some fish and chips with the
elders in a cafe near the beach. Don't have pics so you'll just have
to imagine in your head the Mediterranean, white sand, and British
accents. It's a glorious scene.

Wednesday was spent practicing our dance for Thursday, buying
decorations, teaching a lesson, and setting up some more. Thursday
morning we had some setting up to do that morning, ate a delish
Bolivian dish called Majau, then it was the FIESTA DE LAS NACIONES!!
Ok so on Oct. 12th here in Spain there is a festivo called "Día de las
Naciones" and it's a day where we just celebrate all the different
cultures in Spain. MY FAVORITE HOLIDAY!! So we have been planning an
activity between the two wards here in Alicante and we had an
INCREDIBLE turn out. About 150+ people came and we would say about 1/4
were non members. We got to watch some beautiful dances from all the
different South American countries and then the missionaries stepped
on the stage and the crowd went wild. We prepared a dance to represent
the great US of A with our Swedish and Argentinian friends and it was
awesome. Nothing says America like Hoedown Throwdown and confetti

The Crew

We made this frame....we almost burned it at the end, but it's fine.

We love our Colombians
Friday we practiced a song for the baptism on Saturday. Then we did
some studying and stuff and I ate Kebab for the last time ever (that
was a mistake......doesn't matter how many times I eat it, it's still
gross and still wrecks my stomach), then we had INTERVIEWS!! Oh man it
had been waaaaay to long since I had seen President Andersen and it
was just a happy interview. I walked in and sat down and he just said,
"Am I correct in reading 'Happy' on your forehead?" "Yes!" "Am I
correct in reading 'Confident' as well?" "Yes!!" Then he just smiled
and gave me a fist bump. I LOVE THAT MAN!! So blessed to be in this
mission. Also he informed me that I would be STAYING in Alicante with
Hermana Bailey!!! The Lord has more for us to do here and we are

Saturday and Sunday were just INCREDIBLE!! We had intercambios with
Hermana Dos Santos and Hermana Aase and they are just great. We also
had stake conference and we had a visit from a member of the seventy
named Elder Phillips and he gave GREAT talks. Pretty sure he had talks
prepared but ended up changing them completely.


Elder Phillips! He's so cool!

Something he said that I really loved was when he was talking about
what a yoke is. He told us that a yoke is designed to combine the
strength of two to carry a burden too heavy for one. Heavenly Father
KNEW we couldn't lift our burdens here in mortality alone, and for
that He sent His Son. We all have boulders on our backs that we try to
carry and try to lift but we can't. But if we combine our strength
with the Savior's, our burdens become light. "Whatever that boulder
is, the Savior says, "Together, we can do this. Together, it will be
okay."" (Elder Phillips) My testimony of the Savior and His Atonement
has grown significantly. I know that He thought of me when He was
suffering and because He loves me so much, He went through all that
pain and suffering so that my burdens could be made light. And I know
He has done that for each one of you as well. I love this gospel. I
love my Savior. I know through Him I can do all things.

Love you all and have a great week!!

Hermana Twede

Because Gregorio is leaving us:(

We hiked the Castle today!!

Riding a cannon.

Because yes.

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