Monday, July 3, 2017


just did this like yesterday.

Ok so this week was awesome and we saw lots of Milagros. So here we do
this thing called PLAN MAMUT and it is a plan of having missionaries
and members working together through Family Home Evenings. The goal is
to take strong member families and have them do Noches de Hogar with
less active families and then have the less active members turn in to
strong members. We also include investigators so that they
automatically have friends in the ward. The elders have seen a lot of
success with it but we have kind of done it half heartedly. Last
Tuesday we had a great district meeting and talked about it and after,
Hna Palmer and I decided we were going to go all in and do it. GUYS WE
SAW MILAGROS!! The first family we went to, we asked if they would be
willing to do a NdH every week and they said, "Of course! We want to
help the families who are a little down spiritually. We also know that
it's going to help us too. So of course. We will do it." WOOHOO!! So
cool. This week we ended up having 4 different Noches de Hogar it was
so awesome.

Another milagro is our awesome investigator. He's honestly like
teaching a child sometimes so we move kinda slow and try to keep him
focused. We met with him on Friday and that day I had been wondering
if he was understanding anything we were teaching or if he remembered
anything....especially the Plan of Salvation. So we sort of planned a
review with him plus another lesson if he was getting everything.
Anyway, so we meet and we start walking to a part and he says to me,
"So I was thinking about something we learned last week.....after we
die when we go to that place with the paradise and the prison, didn't
you say there were missionaries there? Can you explain that again
today?" I was soooo happy when he asked me that bc it showed me that
he really is internalizing everything. Although some things take
longer to understand, he LOVES learning and he is soooo excited to be
baptized in the near future. He used to have really negative thoughts
and was really weighed down, but then we gave him his paper of
assignments and he says his thoughts are much more positive. He told
us the other day, "When I read the Book of Mormon, my mind is focused
and clear during the day. But when I don't, it's not. I feel much
happier because of my little paper of things I need to do." SO COOL.
Nothing compares to watching someone truly becoming converted to Jesus
Christ and His gospel.

Another milagro was that it rained this week. TWICE. The week before,
Hna Palmer asked me when it rains here in Cartagena. "Approximately
never." I answered. (Why? Bc everyone here told me the same thing.
Really hot, no rain.) Well......I was wrong. We actually went out on
Saturday to find this new American Family who just moved here (they
are wonderful btw) and when we left casa it was a beautiful day and
everyone was at the beach. By the time we got to San Pedro (12
minutesish) it was looking pretty feo up there in the sky. Then when
we went American Family hunting, it started a down pour. So if y'all
saw some crazy girls in sandals standing outside a building across
from a Catholic Church soaking was us. Note to self: it DOES
rain in CartaG but it's about as predictable as the weather in Utah.

It's been a great week with lots of miracles. This fast Sunday we did
a fast as a mission for the work and I think we are in for some big
miracles down here in the Málaga Spain Mission. I have been reading
lately about Alma and Amulek when they went to go teach the Zoramites.
At one point, Amulek is standing up there and he's preaching straight
fire to these people and he starts in about prayer. Now because I read
my scriptures in Español, he says over and over again,
"Clamad.....Clamad...... Clamad a él en vuestras casas, sí, por todos
los de vuestra casa, tanto por la mañana, como al mediodía y al
atardecer." So I looked up what Clamad means and it means to clamor.
Well....,I'm not an English major so idk what the means so hopped on
over to the dictionary and saw that "to clamor" means "to cry out".
HUMANS! We're not just supposed to do this casual prayer thing like
it's on our To Do list. We are literally supposed "to cry out" to our
Father in Heaven about everything that's going on in our lives. Later,
Amulek says to "derramar vuestra alma". Y'all know what "derramar"
means? It means to spill or shed. When we pray, we should be SPILLING
OUR SOULS out to our Father. Not just a, "Hey how's it going. Today
was great. Hey could you make sure tomorrow is good to? Sweet thanks,
bye." NO! He is your literally Father in Heaven who wants to talk to
you. SO TALK TO HIM! Prayer has taken on a whole new meaning for me in
my life during my mission. Even though I can only talk to my earthly
parents once a week, I have a Heavenly Father who I can talk to at any
minute of every single day of my life. No batteries needed. My
challenge to you all is to stop having a one way voice recording with
God, but to actually TALK to Him. Because He's there and He's
listening. To every single child's prayer.

Love you all. Have a great week!!

Kia Kaha

Hermana Twede

We figured out the key to get fresh hot bread from Mercadona...happy hermanas

Our Favorite Isabel!

Cool graffiti in Los Alcazares

Are we Isabel yet?

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